A hectical preparation time with plenty of administrative things, vaccinations, Farewell BEACH'N'BBQ, packing, shopping, finishing my bachelor thesis (5 hours before leaving!) has finally found an end. So this is it, after some good bye tears at the airport I finally took off to incredible Indi
Before I
start with my impressions on India, I would like to say thank you to all of you who made my departure so enjoyable by coming to the party, helping me out, giving me beautiful gifts and always being there for me. Even though this made it much harder to leave, it's so good to know to have such amazing family and friends! Thank you!
Bye Bye ! The first post on India will follow very soon.
sag mal hst du auch die sonnefinsternis gesehn gestern??? du musst unbedingt bald wieder was schreiben! ist alles sehr spannend und eine gute ablenkung beim lernen!!!
BBle, sabes que soy contando las dias de tu regreso!!!
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